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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


The Well meetings and events

The Well møterom
The Well Multisal
The Well møterom
The Well møterom
The Well detaljbilde
The Well detalj

Capacity of 100 in plenary, 40 minutes distance with bus from Oslo Central Station.

Meeting facilities and event space at The Well, Scandinavia's largest spa and bathhouse. The Well can tailor events for large and small groups, and offers a variety of activities that can be implemented in connection with meetings. Meetings Meeting room 1-3: 12 persons around table Meeting room 4: 22 persons around table or 30-50 persons in a classroom setup Events The Well can host events with up to 250 guests. The possibilities are many, both in terms of dining and activities. Larger parties can be divided into smaller groups so that everyone can experience different rooms and treatments. Transport The Well is easily accessible from the E6 highway at Kolbotn, 20 minutes' drive from central Oslo. You can also get there by public transport; The Well even has a private bus departing from Oslo five times a day and returning from The Well six to seven times a day. More information about transport and timetables at

Quelle: VisitOSLO as

The Well meetings and events


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