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Strømmen Storsenter

strømmen storsenter hjertestoler
Strømmen storsenter fasade
Strømmen storsenter shopping mann
Strømmen storsenter shopping kvinne
Strømmen Storsenter is Norways largest shopping mall with more than 200 stores to choose betweens. The mall is dominated by famous change stores like XXL, Bohus, Lefdal Elektro, Meny, Rema 1000, New Yorker, H&M. In addition there are a vide range of special stores within different branches together with liquor store and pharmacy. There is also a children playing area. In total there are 2100 parking spaces. Strømmen Storsenter is located nearby the railway station. Welcome!

Quelle: Visit Greater Oslo

Strømmen Storsenter

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