Round trip to Trollstigen & Valldal

This round trip goes straight from Ålesund to Åndalsnes before embarking on Trollstigen - one of the best known and most visited tourist sites in Norway. In Åndalsnes you will have time to do some sightseeing and look around.
This round trip goes straight from Ålesund to Åndalsnes before embarking on Trollstigen - one of the best known and most visited tourist sites in Norway. In Åndalsnes you will have time to do some sightseeing and look around.
The hairpin road leads up to the summit 850 meters above sea level, offering breathtaking views as the bus curves upwards. The bus stops for 25 minutes at the Trollstigen plateau, allowing you to enjoy the views and take photos.
The return journey to Ålesund goes through Valldal, a beautiful valley surrounded by mighty mountains. The climate in Valldal makes it the perfect place for agriculture, especially for growing strawberries.
Period: 27.06.22 - 21.08.22 / See pictures for timetable
Departure: Ålesund bus terminal, by public transport.
Quelle: Ålesund & Sunnmøre
Round trip to Trollstigen & Valldal