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Hålogaland Kraft AS

Positiv energi

Hålogaland Kraft is a regional company that will light up and simplify your life as a power customer.

Hålogaland Kraft is a regional company that will light up and simplify your life as a power customer. In addition to produce, transport and sell electricity tariffs, we also offers information and communication technology. Altibox is one of these technologies and what you get from Hålogaland Kraft. Hålogaland Kraft is also one of the first government-owned power corporation in the country. The company is owned by the 8 municipalities in southern Troms and northern Nordland. In addition, we are particularly keen to support and cooperate with the activities and projects aimed at children and young people in our region. At the same time we want to contribute to all the volunteers who spend a lot of time and effort to lay the basis for their own and others' children. We also contribute to the "top" in the knowledge that the peak width and hangs together.

Quelle: Destination Harstad

Hålogaland Kraft AS

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