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Blokkebukta Camping

Blokkebukta Camping
Blokkebukta camping
Blokkebukta Camping

Blokkebukta Camping is located in the small town Helgeroa.

Blokkebukta Camping in Helgeroa, 12 km outside Larvik. Blokkebukta accommodate up to 325 caravans and tents. Nice sandy beaches and playgrounds for children. Blokkebukta also have cabins and apartments for rent. Blokkebukta Camping is within walking distance to Helgeroa brew with 2 restaurants, Marina and ferry to Langesund. Beautiful coastal paths and bicycle distance to Nevlunghavn.  DIRECTIONS Follow 302 from Larvik towards Helgeroa. After about 15 min. to the right towards Helgeroa. Follow the signs to Blokkebukta.

Quelle: Visit Vestfold

Blokkebukta Camping

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