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Arctic Sea Kayak Race


Erlebe eines der schönsten Paddelabenteuer der Welt, (ASKR). Ein alljährlicher Treffpunkt für Seekajakpaddler aus ganz Europa. Hier treffen sich Wettkampfpaddler, Kanu-Wanderer und Anfänger zu einer geselligen und lehrreichen Paddelwoche in atemberaubend schöner Natur auf der Seeseite der Vesterålen, bei 69° Nord in Nordnorwegen.

Activities (only in english text):

Beginners course: Expanded paddling course, 5 days(!!) for novices and for those who already have some paddling experience but who want to increase their kayaking enjoyment by learning more about safety, paddling techniques and planning of trips. The course comprises a theoretical and a practical part. Most of the course takes place in the kayak itself, and there will also be longer trips. The camp has Skipnes as its home base.
Ramble: We divide the ramble into two groups based on experience/skill. The daily legs will be devised accordingly, both outshore of Vesterålen and in the archipelago. The short ramble is suitable for anyone with some paddling experience, and for those who enjoy a slower pace. The long ramble is suitable for those with som more paddling experience, and that are able to keep a higher pace over a longer distance.
Half-Marathon/Race: The course for the Sea Kayak Race/Marathon will be appx. 22 km. Alternative routes are set depending on weather conditions. To participate in Race, you will not have to have participated during the entire week. Competition will be in classes K1 - Women and K1- Men - K2 Men and K2 Women. Participants in the Ramble may choose whether they want to paddle the marathon as a race or tour.
Surfski-race: route is given on thursday evening. We try to have this race as a down-wind race.
Kayak shop: During ASKR there will be shops on the pier. Here you can purchase kayaks and kayaking equipment. Dealers and experienced paddlers will give you good advise. This provides a unique opportunity to see the latest in kayak-equipment. There will also be ASKR-discounts. Visit our web-site for ordering and purchase of equipment in advance of ASKR.
Pub/Restaurant: Skipnes also has a pub and restaurant. The intimate and cozy pub oozes culture and local history. The pub and restaurant is fully licensed. During the event there will be music from North-Norwegian troubadours. Wednesday and Friday there is a dinner for all participants which is included in the fee.

Safety is a primary concern during the Ramble and race; with several group leaders having radio communication with one another, the safety escort boats and the base at Skipnes. In addition, we have the Coast Guard and Rescue boat in readiness.
Caution! Participants must bring enough warm clothing. Even though it’s summer, the weather can vary, and the evenings grow cold.

Quelle: Visit Vesterålen

Arctic Sea Kayak Race

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