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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Restaurant in der 'Hovden Alpin Lodge'

Hovden Alpin Lodge
Hovden Alpin Lodge
Stemningsfullt på Hovden Alpin Lodge
Rustikk atmosfære
Bare et glass
Ta med familien
Pianobar på lørdager
Located in the middle of the slopes, this exceptional restaurant offers lunch and dinner, après-ski and cocktails. The chef has prepared an exciting, international and varied menu. The raw materials are mostly local, but even the Setesdal cuisine has to be complemented by some other specialities. On sunny days the large terrace offers a splendid and unparalleled view of Hovden. Feeling the heat from the fireplace, enjoying the company of old and new friends, relishing in the cosy atmosphere and knowing that the only decision you have to make is what to eat and drink. This is what you may experience at “Lodgen”, the popular name of this restaurant. The best food is the one you share with others. This concept is known as “The social meal”. The menu consists of a large selection of dishes served from bowls, boards and platters, shared by everyone around the table. The chef, Marcus Westmann, has prepared an exciting, international and varied menu. The raw materials are mostly local, but even the Setesdal cuisine has to be complemented by some other, preferably “short-travelled” specialities. For the restaurant, a table reservation is recommended. Hovden Alpin Lodge is open during the winter season, from November to April.

Quelle: Setesdal

Restaurant in der 'Hovden Alpin Lodge'

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