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Offpiste Hovden

Festen står i taket på Offpiste
Trombone på Offpiste
Onkl P på Offpiste
Italiensk steinovnsbakt pizza

In the winter season, Offpiste is Hovden's most energetic restaurant and bar.

Offpiste is Hovden’s most energetic restaurant and bar. For lunch Italian pizza is served, baked in a wood-heated oven by our brilliant pizza bakers. The raw materials come from Italy or from the local farm Fjellgarden Hovden, giving a tasty combination of Northern and Southern Europe. Offpiste is also Hovdens top après-ski spot, turning into a nightclub later in the evening. Offpiste is open daily throughout the winter season. The kitchen opens at 12:00, but prior to that you may purchase coffee, breakfast, fruit etc. Enjoy a great atmosphere from early morning to the small hours of the night.

Quelle: Setesdal

Offpiste Hovden

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