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Vegårshei Ski og Aktivitetssenter

Vegårshei Ski og Aktivitetssenter
Vegårshei Ski og Aktivitetssenter kveld

Vegårshei ski and activity center is an activity center for the whole region, and is also the county facility for cross-country and ski jumping.

There are downhill skiing slopes, toboggans and a ski play area with 5km cross-country trails and 8 and 12 km floodlit trails. The ski hill has rails of different types, a heated lounge with kiosk, and several shelters for breaks. There are also possibilities for barbecue and open fires. Several of the trails are also suited for hiking, exercising and terrain cycling in the dryland season. Vegårshei ski and activity center is a great place for the whole family. It is often visited by school groups, sports clubs and groups that celebrate birthdays. Possibilities for simple accomodation in dormitory.

Quelle: Risør Turistinformasjon

Vegårshei Ski og Aktivitetssenter

Vor kurzem angesehene Seiten