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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Vitensenteret Kristiansand science center

Vitensenteret Sørlandet Arendal-10
Foto Mona Hauglid-0667
Foto Mona Hauglid-0753 (sterkere gul og rød)

Vitensenteret Kristiansand, Science Center, is a fun and exciting place where children and adults together can play, learn and explore.

The Vitensenteret Kristiansand - Science center is located in the main street of Kristiansand, close to bus, train and parking facilities.

Vitensenteret are located both in Arendal and Kristiansand, in the middle of the city centre near public transport and parking. The activiteties, exhibiton area and content are different at the two locations. During weekends and school holydays we have a varied programme where you can participate in different workshops and activiteties.

Vitensenteret Kristiansand - Science Center is a great way to spend time with the family, and hopefully everyone will learn something new!

Welcome to a fun, creative and exiting experience! 

Quelle: Visit Kristiansand

Vitensenteret Kristiansand science center


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