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Spiren Kafé - vegan café

Spiren Kafe
Spiren Kafe
Spiren Kafe
Spiren Kafe
Spiren Kafe
Spiren Kafe
Spiren Kafe
Konsert på Spiregården

Spiren Kafé is a 100% vegan café in Kristiansand.

Spiren Kafé is a vegan café in the old part of Kristiansand town (Dronningensgate 52). When you enter Spiren Kafé, you will experience that the backyard is a hidden oasis with green trees and plants all around you. At Spiren Kafé you will find a calm vibe that brings nutrition to your mind.

The people at Spiren Kafé wants to show you how amazingly tasty vegan food can be, and that a healthy lifestyle is not at all boring!

Everything is 100% vegan. At Spiren Kafé something unique will be served every opening day, including their standard dishes which includes vegan subs (sandwiches), raw soup, cakes, snacks and refreshing smoothies and juice, coconut water and ecological tea and coffee.

Open Thursday to Sunday.

Quelle: Visit Kristiansand

Spiren Kafé - vegan café

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