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Visit Kristiansand kanonmuseum (Cannon museum)

Visit Kristiansand kanonmuseum (Cannon museum)
Visit Kristiansand kanonmuseum (Cannon museum)

In beautiful hiking terrain at Møvik outside Kristiansand is a cannon battery from World War II. The cannon at Møvik is the world's second largest cannon mounted on land. The battery (Batterie Vara) was begun in 1941 and, together with the cannon battery in Hanstholm in Denmark, was to control shipping traffic in the Skagerrak. The cannons had a range of 55 kilometers. The cannon at Møvik is one of the very few remaining coastal batteries in the Atlantic Wall – the defenses the Germans built along the European west coast during World War II – where cannons have been preserved in their original positions.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 01/29/2025

Quelle: Visit Kristiansand

Visit Kristiansand kanonmuseum (Cannon museum)

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