Round trip from Molde to Ona island

Travel like the locals! Roundtrip by bus from Molde to Ona. Buy your tickets here.
This round trip takes you to Ona – a tiny island community out in the ocean. The trip starts in Molde by bus (and a short ferry trip) to Aukra and Småge ferry harbour, where the ferry to Ona starts.
The ferry to Ona goes via the island Orten, Finnøya and Sandøya before reaching Ona. Passengers to Ona should stay on the ferry during the short stays at the other islands.
Ona is Norway's southernmost traditional fishing village and has a permanent population of approx. 25. The island also has a ceramics workshop and a small kiosk/shop. In the summer (typically June - August), there's a café and possibilities for overnight stays.
On "Onakalven", the island highest point, you find Ona lighthouse. From the lighthouse, you have a magnificent view of the ocean and towards the mainland.
Ona is a tranquil place where you can thoroughly enjoy the peace and quiet!
The trip to Ona is as fantastic in the summer as in the winter. Remember, though, that the island is located out in the ocean and the weather conditions can be harsh. Therefore, it is important to bring warm clothes and windproof clothes.
If you go there outside of the peak season in the summer, we recommend bringing some food and drinks as well, as the island's shop has a limited offering.
Departure from: Molde bus terminal
On this bus trip you can listen to audio guide. Download the Voice Of Norway app and enjoy the stories where you are. Pictures and text complement what you see. The map gives you a full overview. The audioguide is available in Norwegian and English.
- Ganzjährig
Quelle: VisitNordvest
Round trip from Molde to Ona island