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Reise mit Bus ein weg Åndalsnes - Ålesund

Reise mit Bus ein weg Åndalsnes - Ålesund
Reise mit Bus ein weg Åndalsnes - Ålesund

This trip goes from Åndalsnes to Ålesund,  and is convenient if you arrive by train to Åndalsnes and want to go on to the famous Art Nouveau town Ålesund. From Åndalsnes, the bus goes along the Romsdalsfjord to Vestnes and then to Ålesund over the rugged Ørskogfjellet.   Departure from: Åndalsnes railway station, public transport

This trip goes from Åndalsnes to Ålesund,  and is convenient if you arrive by train to Åndalsnes and want to go on to the famous Art Nouveau town Ålesund.

From Åndalsnes, the bus goes along the Romsdalsfjord to Vestnes and then to Ålesund over the rugged Ørskogfjellet.


Departure from: Åndalsnes railway station, public transport

Quelle: VisitNordvest

Reise mit Bus ein weg Åndalsnes - Ålesund


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