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Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley

Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley
Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley
Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley
Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley
Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley

Innerdalen is frequently called Norway's most beautiful mountain valley. Experience majestic mountains, waterfalls, hiking trails, and rustic cabins.

Innerdalstårnet and accomodation in Innerdalen

Like a cathedral, the valley encircles the 1,394-meter-high Innerdalstårnet/Dalatårnet, a natural spire. In the valley floor, crystal-clear waters glisten, and streams and small rivers cascade down from the glaciers. A network of marked DNT hiking trails leads in and out of the mountains. Renndølsetra welcomes with traditional farmstead fare, the scent of wood warming pots and pans, seating at long tables, and beds behind timber walls. Further into the valley lies Innerdalshytta (DNT) – both new and old, marked by the Tourist Association and with long traditions as a rest stop, serving place, and lodging for mountain travelers.

Getting to Innerdalen

Drive on RV 70 between Sunndalsøra and Tingvoll, turn off at Ålvundeid, and follow signs to Innerdalen. Park your car at Nerdalen and enjoy a leisurely one-hour stroll the 3.5 kilometers into the heart of Innerdalen. The road is easy to walk, the mountains are magnificent, and inside the valley, the 'reward' awaits with a cozy mountain farm, sheep, cows, goats, and refreshments for the whole family.

When is the best time to visit Innerdalen?

Innerdalen can be visited year-round, but for serviced accommodation and dining, the best time is during the summer. During this season, there is both service and animals at the mountain farm. The cabins are open during the school holidays - approximately from mid-June to September and weekends until the end of September. Check the opening hours of Renndølsetra and Innerdalshytta.

At other times of the year, Innerdalshytta operates on a self-service basis, and the winter quarters at Renndølssetra can be rented.

Trollheimen Landscape Conservation Area

Innerdalen is Norways oldest natural reserve and part of Trollheimen Landscape Conservation Area. Trollheimen is located on the border between Nordmøre and Trøndelag and consists of 6 municipalities: Rindal, Surnadal, Oppdal, Rennebu, Meldal, and Sunndal. Trollheimen is a unique mountain area in many ways - located at a climatic divide with distinctive geological conditions, offering a great variety in landscapes and natural types, and a rich diversity of plants and animals.

Quelle: VisitNordvest

Innerdalen - Norway's most beautiful mountain valley

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