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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Ulvik Kirche

The church
Ulvik kyrje
kyrkja vinter
Ulvik kirke
Ulvik kyrkje, foto Arturas Gailius

At the heart of Ulvik towers Ulvik Church. The stunning traditional cross-shaped parish church dons beautiful rose-painted interior by local artist Lars Osa. The church is open to visitors who wish to see the traditions and culture of local Christianity up close and personal.

Ulvik church was consecrated in 1859. The interior was decorated with rose-painting in 1923 by the artist Lars Osa. Here you will find a copy of one of the best known religious pictures from the Norwegian Middle Age; "Ulvik-antemensalet". Contact the tourist office for information and guiding.  The Church is open daily in season from 18.mai to 31. august.  Entrance is free..

Quelle: Destination Hardanger Fjord AS

Ulvik Kirche

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