Voss ski- and hiking center
Voss ski and hiking center is a perfect starting point for training sessions for cross-country skiers, biathletes, orienteering skiers, and mountain bikers.
The arena house is located in the facility and provides a social framework for effective training sessions. The trails are idyllically located in forest terrain which means that they are protected from the weather and wind.
Starting from Herresleitet, you quickly enter a fantastic hiking terrain, where there is a circular trail in Herresåsen of 12 kilometers. That the trail is popularly called "The Jewel" is not without reason. In several places along the route, there are shortcuts, which means that you can get home faster. The trail is prepared for both classic and skating.
Starting from the stadium, you go straight into the light track and the competition tracks. These trails are also connected to Herresåsen. You then get a steep climb before you reach Herresåsen.
The center is open for all people that want to go skiing or hiking.
Starting from Herresleitet, you quickly enter a fantastic hiking terrain, where there is a circular trail in Herresåsen of 12 kilometers. That the trail is popularly called "The Jewel" is not without reason. In several places along the route, there are shortcuts, which means that you can get home faster. The trail is prepared for both classic and skating.
Starting from the stadium, you go straight into the light track and the competition tracks. These trails are also connected to Herresåsen. You then get a steep climb before you reach Herresåsen.
The center is open for all people that want to go skiing or hiking.
Quelle: Destinasjon Voss
Voss ski- and hiking center