Tagesausflug in das romantische Rosendal
Experience the Hardangerfjord and Rosendal with its mountains and waterfalls! The boat trip from Bergen to Rosendal takes you on a journey through a unique coastal and fjord landscapes, and not least the Queen of the Norwegian fjords - Hardangerfjord.
The Barony Rosendal When the boat arrives in Rosendal you have a nice walk from the quay to the Barony Rosendal (about 20 min.) A visit to the Barony Rosendal is a walk through different style periods. Rooms and halls are shaped by various owners through 250 years, and the castle is still preserved as a home - as the previous owners left it in 1927. Walking on your own in the Rosendal Gardens. The over 60 acre Victorian landscape park consists among others of the 300-year-old Renaissance garden with an abundance of roses and Kitchen & Herb garden with herbs, flowers, vegetables, fruits and berries. Lunch is included in the trip!
Click here for schedule.
Hiking in Rosendal
Rosendal is a great base for hiking trips of different length and difficulty levels.
Hiking suggestions: Malmangernuten, Hattebergsdalen valley and Lake Myrdalsvatnet. You can find more information about the hiking possibilities at the tourist information in Rosendal. The trip and can be expanded with accommodations at the Barony Rosendal Avlsgård & Fruehus or Rosendal Turisthotell.
More information and tickets:
Bergen Tourist Information
- Ganzjährig
Quelle: Samarbeidsrådet for Sunnhordland
Tagesausflug in das romantische Rosendal