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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Svalbard Hotell

1_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_fasade_winter
2_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_lobby_fellesområde (3)
3_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_lobby_fellesområde (4)
4_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_lobby_fellesområde (1)
5_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_breakfast_frokostsal (4)
6_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_standard rom pluss_romkategori (3)
7_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_standard rom_romkategori (7)
8_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_superior rom_romkategori (2)
9_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_Polar Bear Suite_Isbjørnsuite_romkategori (1)
10_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_standard rom_romkategori (8)
11_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_standard rom_romkategori (6)
12_Svalbard Hotell Polfareren_fasade_utendørs_tipi_høst (1)
Brand new Svalbard Hotel consists of 17 double rooms, including 2 handicap-friendly rooms. The hotel also offers conference facilities for small groups. The hotel is situated in the city center, only a few meters from restaurants, bars shopping center and souvenir shops. Svalbard Lodge have modern apartments located in the centre of Longyearbyen. Only a few meters from restaurants, bars, shopping centre and souvenir shops.

Quelle: Svalbard Reiseliv AS

Svalbard Hotell


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