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Son - by the sunny shores of the Oslofjord

Son kystkultursenter
Thornegården i Son
Thornegården og "tranga" i Son
Par i Kajakk i Son havn
To kajakker på vei til Sauholmen i Son

Just 40 minutes south of Oslo you will find the idyllic coastal town of Son, located on the sunny side of the Oslofjord.

Son is known for its old city center with wooden houses and narrow alleyways often associate with cities along the southernmost coast of Norway.

Son offers a wide variety of cafes and restaurants as well as small niche boutiques. Only 10 minutes away You will find Oslo Fashion Outlet in Vestby, a good place to visit in combination with Son.

During the summer season there is a boat connection from Oslo during the weekend.

Enjoy the good life in Son. Enjoy a restful time at Son SPA or rent a kayak and explore the surrounding area.

Member of Visit Greater Oslo

Quelle: Visit Greater Oslo

Son - by the sunny shores of the Oslofjord

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