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Skulpturensammlung Knut Skinnarland

Skinnarland 2
Skinnarland 1
Skinnarland samlinga
Skinnarland Bendiksenutstilling

The Skinnarland Collection houses more than 100 works of art by sculptor Knut Skinnarland and a replica of his studio in Rauland.

The Skinnarland Collection houses more than 100 works of art by sculptor Knut Skinnarland and a replica of his studio in Rauland. Also represented with several works is the sculptor Aslak Svalastoga. There are new sales- and special exhibitions every year. Knut Skinnarland (1909-1993) Knut Skinnarland was one of the best Norwegian sculpturs in his generation. He was born in Rauland. He studied art in Oslo and Copenhagen, and made his debut at the National Exhibition of Visual Arts in 1945. From 1948 he worked at the restoration of the Nidarosdomen cathedral in Trondheim. Other famous work of art by Knut Skinnarland is the "Fishermen's monument" in Ålesund and in Akureyri at Iceland, as well as the monuments of A.O. Vinje and of Sondre Norheim. Every season there also is a new art exhibition at the Skinnarland collection, where contemporary art works are for sale. The collection is open in the summer season. For off-season group guiding, contact West Telemark Museum.

Quelle: Vest Telemark

Skulpturensammlung Knut Skinnarland

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