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Skibotn Marketplace - Nord Troms Museum

Skibotn Marketplace - Nord Troms Museum

The Skibotn Marketplace was the most important 19th century marketplace on the shores of the Lyngenfjord. If you pay a visit to the site, you can see two of the original trading stalls.

The marketplace in Skibotn had its heyday in the 19th century when it was the largest and most important market in North Troms. Important commodities such as reindeer meat, grouse, butter, flour and fish were traded here twice a year.

A meeting place by the Lyngenfjord
Skibotn was a natural meeting place for people from inland and coastal areas, including Sami reindeer herders, traders from the Torne valley region of northern Sweden and Finland, Norwegian traders and local Norwegian, Sami and Kven people.

Did you know that the market by the Lyngenfjord is also regarded as the site Laestadianism was introduced to North Troms...? It became an important preaching field and meeting place for the missionaries and followers of the Laestadian pietist revival movement.

Various exhibitions
The preserved trading stalls houses an exhibition that offers an insight into the old market life via images, texts, artefacts and audio. Temporary exhibitions are also housed here. You can also visit the small museum shop.

Quelle: Visit Lyngenfjord AS

Skibotn Marketplace - Nord Troms Museum

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