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Rauland Høgfjellshotell

Rauland Høgfjellshotell fasade sommar
Forsideprodukt Rauland Høgfjellshotellkonferansesal
Rauland Høgfjellshotell serveringslokale
180x135Skistoga peisen.jpg

Great conference, meeting and function rooms in a hotel with breathtaking view towards the Raulandsfjell Mountains.

Great meeting,-conference and dinner facilities with stunning view towards Raulandsfjell. Rauland Fjellspa with SPA-facilities. Alpine skiing and cross-country facilities near by. Great hiking terrain in summer. Conference: 80 people at tables, 150 people theatre format. Dinner party: 180 people in Restaurant Falkeriset, 50 people in Telemarkstoga, 30 people in Dyre Vaa-stoga, 18 people in Vinstoga. Meeting rooms: 28 people at tables, 65 people theatre format.

Quelle: Rauland Turist AS

Rauland Høgfjellshotell

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