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Lovatnet Lake

Lovatnet Lake
Lovatnet Lake
Lovatnet Lake
Lovatnet Lake
Lovatnet Lake

Lovatnet is a lake in Stryn municipality in Westland county. What makes Lovatnet so beautiful is the green color that comes from the melt water from the glaciers that lies on the mountain peaks around.

The lake has an area of ​​10.4 square kilometers, it is 11 kilometers long and it is 52 meters above sea level. Lovatnet has multiple streams from the Jostedals glacier and drains at Loelva to the fjord.

in 1905 and 1936 the large masses of rock from Ramnefjellet crashed into Lovatnet, both paths creating tidal waves that brought more yarns and life.

In the summer, MS Kjenndal II runs on Lovatnet from May to September. The trip goes from Sande to Kjenndalstova with a 2 hour stop.

Quelle: Nordfjord

Lovatnet Lake

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