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TripAdvisor rating of 5


Landwirtschafliiche Hochschule Norwegensch

Campus med ta°rnbygningen.jpg
Urbygningen med viftebed.jpg
2024 Veterinærbygget NMBU.jpg

The historic buildings and grounds of the college have their place in the cultural history of Norway.

Since 1859 Ås has been an energy for the agricultural industry in Norway. It is research that is the main responsibility of the Norwegian university of life sciences, among other thingsin ariculture, enviromental protection, foodstuff quality and fish farming. The historic buildings and grounds of the college have their place in the cultural history of Norway. It was here that C M Falsen wrote the draft of Norway´s constitution. Surrounding these magnificient old buildings are some of the largest and most impressive neoclassical gardens in Norway. The park can be visited free of charge without a guide. Guided tours of the park and buildings, the arbouretum, rosarium, geological collection, the agricultural museum and the dairy museum must be booked at the Norwegian Agricultural Museum, tel +47 64 96 62 80.

Quelle: Visit Greater Oslo

Landwirtschafliiche Hochschule Norwegensch

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