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Kafé Norsk Skieventyr

Norsk Skieventyr kafe 4 R
Norsk Skieventyr ute (2) R
Museumskafé Morgedal
Norsk Skieventyr kafe 3 R
Museumskafé Morgedal
Museumskafé Morgedal
Museumskafé Morgedal

This cafe will not have dinner this summer. But - we have the best home made cakes.

The café is famous for its good homemade food and reasonable prices. We also offer catering services and can tailor-make a menu that will work for you. Just let us know what you need! There is also a large souvenir shop which has an excellent range of gifts and distinctive Norwegian products. Here you will find information about what to do while you are in Morgedal, and our helpful and friendly guides are keen to assist you.  A free internet service is also available for travellers keen to check in with those back home. We have an activity room for children where they can play or make their own small-scale ski.

Quelle: Vest Telemark

Kafé Norsk Skieventyr

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