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Jomfruland National Park

Stråholmen og Jomfruland i sør 2013 Foto Telemarksavisa
Båt- og badeliv 1 på Skratta juli 2013
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S Rauane juli 2013kjær i havet ut for Østr
Holmer og skjær utenfor Portør
Ingen grunn til å stresse. Brentholmane august 2013
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Havert på Ålekråkeskjæra 25.09.16 A Foto Bjørn Kristoffer Dolva
Skarvesteinen ut for Stråholmsteinen juli 2013
Sjøorre. Foto Vidar  Heibo
østre rauane
Makrellfiske ut for STråholmsteinen juli 2013
Gaukesyre mai 2014 Trond Eirik Silsand
Maria nøkleblom på Øytangen 26. april 2014
Slåpebær på Øytangen september 2016
Tangvoll mellom Heggeneset og Skadden september 2014
Eikekjempe Aud Torild Stensrud juni 204
Eikegjerde Jomfruland Aud Torild Stensrud juni 204 -
Steingjerder Stråholmen mai 2013
HVitveis i skogen Jomfruland Kragerø
HVitveis Morten J
Nøkkeroser Tårntjernet B Aud Torild Stensrud juni 204
Strandnellik i blomst på Øytangen mai 2015 B
Rik blomstring på beite på Stråholmen juli 2013

Jomfruland National Park was established on 16 December 2016 and covers an area of 117 km2(45 sq mi), including the islands of Jomfruland and Stråholmen. About 98% in the park area is sea.

Jomfruland National Park was established on 16 December 2016 and covers an area of 117 km2(45 sq mi), including the islands of Jomfruland and Stråholmen. About 98% in the park area is sea.

Jomfruland National Park Visitor Center: A new experience!
We are proud to announce the opening of the Jomfruland National Park Visitor Center! The old lighthouse keeper's residence has been transformed into an interactive journey of knowledge about the beautiful marine national park.
Discover the wonders of nature and learn about Jomfruland's unique ecosystems in an exciting and engaging way. This is an experience you won't want to miss this summer!

Jomfruland National Park is open year round for you to explore, learn and enjoy. As much as 98 percent of the park is under water, but visitors are welcome to explore Jomfruland, Stråholmen, Stangnes and the many islets and skerries. There is much to explore here, both over and under the surface, for adventurers of all ages. Fish for crabs and find interesting traces of the Ice Age.

A map and more facts and information about the Jomfruland National Park can be found here.

Welcome to the national park! There is plenty of room here, provided we take care and keep in mind the people and nature around us. National parks represent the very best of Norwegian nature. Their protected status helps conserve the landscape and a diverse flora and fauna. This means it will be possible to create wonderful memories of hikes and treks to this landscape even for future generations. 

Freedom to roam 
In outfields, you are free to go wherever you want, and you can pitch your tent or set up a hammock, so long as you stay more than 150 metres from inhabited houses or cabins. Please note that tents or hammocks are not permitted north of Øytangen Farm or at Sandbakken further south. Inside the national park, you may hike, bike, paddle or travel by boat anywhere you want. Exceptions include areas where seafowl are nesting. These areas are signposted.

Cultural heritage sites are protected from damage and destruction. Loose cultural heritage artefacts must not be moved or removed. 
Waste Remember to clean up after yourself and bring all of your waste back with you. Bonfires and barbecues straight on the ground are not permitted. Exceptions are facilities built specifically for this purpose. 

Hunting and fishing Inside the national park, you may engage in hunting and fishing subject to the same rules that apply to other water and remote areas under relevant legislation. Fishing and harvesting of shells and crustaceans are permitted. Hunting for seafowl is not permitted within a dedicated zone north of Stråholmen and certain other areas. 

Dogs are welcome. Inside the national park, dogs must be kept on a leash yearround. Be mindful of wild game, grazing animals and other visitors at all times.

Motorized traffic on land is not permitted. You may operate a motor boat throughout the national park, with the exception of dedicated zones reserved for seafowl from 15 April to 15 July. The use of life vests is mandatory in small water crafts. 

Good planning makes great experiences!

Quelle: Kragerø Turistkontor

Jomfruland National Park

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