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Jomfruland Bird Station

Jomfruland fuglestasjon
Jomfruland fuglestasjon
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Omvisning Jomfruland fuglestasjon
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Heipiplerke
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Polarsvømmesnipe
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Fuglekonge
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Rødtoppfuglekonge
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Tundrasnipe
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Hagesanger
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Sandsvale
Jomfruland fuglestasjon Polarsvømmesnipe
Jomfruland fuglestasjon

Are you interested in learning more about birds and the nature on the island Jomfruland? Do you want to experience the breathtaking scenery. Contact the Bird Station which lies at Øitangen at the northern tip of the island.

Are you interested in learning more about birds and the nature on the island Jomfruland? Do you want to experience the breathtaking scenery. Contact the Bird Station which lies at Øitangen at the northern tip of the island.

Here at the Jomfruland Bird Station counting and observation of bird life are taking place all year through. The station is also a gathering spot for people who are interested in birds and nature. The bird observation tower at outer side of Øitangen is a main base for most of the activities, such as counting of migratory birds, bird ringing etc. For interested groups it offers guiding that presents various activities of the station. An example is a demonstration of bird ringing together with information for purposes of doing it. Guiding can be booked by email:

Jomfruland Bird Station works as an ideal base of Telemark division of Norwegian Ornithological Association.

Are you interested in learning about birds and nature on Jomfruland? Contact the bird station! Read more

Quelle: Kragerø Turistkontor

Jomfruland Bird Station

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