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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau

Hjerkinn Fjellstue og Fjellridning
Hjerkinn Fjellstue og Fjellridning
Hjerkinn Fjellstue og Fjellridning
Hjerkinn Fjellstue og Fjellridning
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau
Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau

We cross plains, climb tops, cross rivers and follow nice trails through the woods.

We look out for muskoxes and wild reindeers. Meet in the stable at 09.30, the first hour we groom and saddle our horses, then we go for a day ride. Bring packed lunch and drinks. During the day, you'll be able to trot and gallop, if you want to.

Daily rides 09.30 am - 04.00 pm, except Mondays.
Age: 10 years with parents, otherwise 12 years.

Quelle: Nasjonalparkriket Reiseliv AS

Horseback riding at the Dovrefjell plateau

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