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Badehusgata Drøbak foto
Drøbak ba°thavn foto 2
DRØBAK FOTO Visitdrobakoscarsborg.no_8

Drøbak is also called the Christmas town, the garrison town, the arts town, the restaurant town and the golf, tennis and riding town.

Drøbak, which got its name due to its many steep hills, has an interesting coastal cultural history and is one of the best-preserved wooden house towns in the Oslofjord area.

The trading post was built before Christiania (Oslo) and was an important export point for lumber from the beginning of the 17th century. Since it was difficult to navigate large sailing ships all the way to the capital in the winter, and there was often a thick layer of ice in the fiord, the skippers chose to load and unload in Drøbak. In the 18th century, Drøbak was in fact the place in Norway with the most registered sailing ships.

At the end of the 19th century, Drøbak developed into an important seaside resort with several bathing facilities in Badeparken. With its close location to the capital, Drøbak also became a summer place where artists drew inspiration.

Read more about Drøbak here. 

Member of Visit Greater Oslo

Quelle: Visit Greater Oslo


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