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Carlberg Gaard

Carlberg Gaard
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Carlberg Farm was established in 1839. It was Carl Sibbern which took over a third of Værne monastery after his father, minister Valentin C. W. Si bbern. The Farm lies north of Værne, by "berget" and it is from here the place got its name - Carlberg (berg meaning mountain). The property lies beautif uly by a landscape with a lot of different features, high oak trees and nice alleys. You will also find one of the many protected deciduous forests in these lands, the Bogslund. And it is one of the first protected of its kind. The property spans 1400 acres, where 900 of it are cropland. A golfcourse also lies right by the property. Regularly organized festivals and markets during the season, and an open farmcafe in the weekends are among the attraction

Quelle: VisitMOSS AS

Carlberg Gaard

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