Haugastøl 1000 moh

Umweltzertifizierte Anbieter
Umweltzertifizierung für private und öffentliche Unternehmen (auch Tourismus).

The family run hotel located in Haugastøl, 1000 meters above sea level, offers high quality accommodation, meals in our restaurant, coffee bar, bike-shop and rental and much more.
We are located just on the edge of the largest highland plateau in Northern Europe with two national parks on our doorstep. - The Hardangervidda and the Hallingskarvet National Park.
Situated at the start of Rallarvegen, and with the biggest mountain plateau in Northern Europe on our doorstep, Haugastøl becomes a natural choice to stop by. During the summer months we offer accomodation, bike rental for use on the famous Rallarvegen, as well as fishing and hunting possibilities.
In the winter, we offer you accommodation, kitecourses and unique conditions for snowkiting. We are located only 24 km west of the ski destination Geilo, and only a few minutes away from the best spots in the world for snowkiting at the Hardangervidda. Kiters from all over the world choose to visit Haugastøl during the winter.
- Kinder
- Bergregion
- Bar
- Konferenzeinrichtungen
- Kaffeemaschine und/oder Teekocher
- Langlaufen
- Radtouren
- Wandern
- Jagen und Angeln
- Radverleih
- Radtour
- Radwege
- Radfahren
- Cyclists Welcome
- Langlaufskiverleih
- Markierte Loipen
- Angelerlaubnis benötigt
- Markierte Wanderwege
- Gratis WLAN
- Frühstück
- Abendessen
- Verkauf von alkoholischen Getränken
Quelle: Visit Geilo AS
Haugastøl 1000 moh